Australian Native Small Trees – Suggestions

Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosea

Bird attracting flowers, from dark pink to white, adorn this 4 to 6 metres tree, during autumn to late winter. A pale, smooth barked trunk supports a canopy of narrow leaves. It grows in all soils, has low water requirements and is often used by shires for street planting. Highly recommended.

Eucalyptus vestita (coolibah tree)

The coolibah tree is a small inland tree, found in low rainfall areas. Pale green weeping leaves crown a smooth white trunk, providing light dappled shade. Small white flowers grace the tree in early winter. Loamy soils are preferred. Relatively slow growing, the coolibah may reach 5 metres in 10 years. This tree always draws attention!

Eucalyptus macrandra (long-flowered marlock)

An outstanding small mallee to 5m high, ideal for the home garden. Large clusters of lemon-yellow flowers in summer attract the birds. Glossy leaves and attractive bark add to the appeal. This low-branching tree is great for climbing. Guaranteed to please!

Agonis flexuosa (WA willow peppermint)

Drooping willow-like foliage on a single stemmed tree makes this specimen a shady one. Agonis flexuosa is drought tolerant, hardy and moderately fast growing to 6m, without the invasive root system of the true willow. Tiny white flowers clothe the branches during spring and summer. The narrow leaves have an aromatic fragrance when young and growing fast. The variegated form is spectacular, as is the dark foliage variation Agonis After Dark. An attractive dwarf variety is available at most nurseries. Ornamental and easy to grow.

Banksia prionotes (Orange Banksia)

This Banksia reaches 6 metres, and displays orange ‘acorn’ flowers January through to July. It grows well
in all drained soils and prefers low water and fertiliser. Serrated leaves and irregular growth make this plant an attractive feature in the garden. A classic Australian tree, the orange banksia will enhance your native garden.

Eucalyptus caesea (Silver Princess or Gungurru)

An unusual weeping tree to 5m, the Eucalyptus caesea has pink flowers in winter and powdery bark. The birds love this tree. Easy to grow in all soils.Plant this beauty in groups for extra appeal.

Acacia spectabilis (Mudgee or Glory Wattle)

Growing between 3 and 5 metres, this Acacia may easily be pruned to form a shapely small tree for the home garden. A silvery-grey trunk, grey-green ferny foliage and perfumed yellow flowers make this tree dramatic, especially at flowering time in late winter. Enjoy its ten year lifespan. Seedlings appear to replace the mother tree. Drought hardy, fast growing and reliable.

Hymenosporum flavum (Native Frangipani)

In cultivation, the Native Frangipani is a slender, small and upright tree to 8 metres, holding its branches in attractive layers. Glossy green leaves and scented gold flowers in early summer are features of this tree. Strong wind can cause branches to fall, so a sheltered position is favoured. Some summer watering is needed for vigorous growth and yearly fertiliser benefits this rain forest tree. Due to its strong roots, Native Frangipani is best planted away from structures. Allow at least 6 metres.


• Acacia coriacea, 5m+
• Acacia fimbriata, 5m+
• Acacia Pendula, 5m
• Banksia menziesii, 6m+
• Callistemon salignus, 5m
• Callistemon viminalis, 5m
• Callitris preisii, 5m
• Eucalyptus ficifolia, 6m
• Eucalyptus forrestiana, 3m+
• Eucalyptus platypus, 4m
• Eucalyptus torquata, 6m
• Grevillea banksii, 3m
• Hakea laurina, 4m
• Melaleuca linarifolia, 5m+