Bird Attracting Plants

Birds are a great companion in the garden! They pick off insects and sing you songs while you
work. To attract them into your garden you need to provide them with a food source (nectar
from flowers) and shelter/protection from predators. I find the best first step is to plant some
trees or taller shrubs.

Small Plants (to 1m)

•Anigozanthos species (Kangaroo paws)
•Austromyrtus dulcis (midgen berry)
•Beaufortia sp.
•Brachysema latifolius
•Callistemon ‘Little John’
•Conostylis candicans (cottonheads)
•Correa species (native fuchsia)
•Darwinia species (mountain bells)
• Dianella revoluta
•Grevillea lanigera ‘Mt Tamboritha’
•Grevillea thelemanniana
•Kennedia coccinea (coral creeper)
•Kennedia prostrata (running postman)
•Kunzea ambigua
•Melaleuca thymifolia

Medium Plants (1-3m)

• Adenanthos sp. (woolly bush)
• Beaufortia squarrosa
• Brachysema celsianum (Swan River pea)
• Callistemon ‘Endeavour’ (bottlebrush)
• Callistemon ‘Perth Pink’
• Calothamnus quadrifidus
• Eremophila maculata (emu bush)
• Eucalyptus macrocarpa (mottlecah)
• Grevillea ‘Superb’
• Grevillea olivacea
• Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’
• Kunzea baxteri
• Melaleuca lateritia (robin red breast)
• Melaleuca fulgens
• Templetonia retusa (cocky’s tongue)

Large Plants (over 3m)

•Acacia vestita (hairy wattle)
•Banksia species
•Callistemon ‘Kings Park Special’
• Eremophila bignoniflora
• Eucalyptus forrestiana (fuchsia gum)
• Eucalyptus preissiana (bell-fruited mallee)
• Grevillea ‘Pink Surprise’
• Hakea laurina (pincushion hakea)
• Hakea multilineata
•Melaleuca nesophila


• Acacia floribunda (parrots love the seeds)
• Acacia spectabilis (parrots love the seeds)
• Banksia menziesii
• Banksia prionotes
• Callistemon viminalis (bottlebrush)
• Eucalyptus caesia (silver princess)
• Eucalyptus calophylla
• Eucalyptus lehmannii (bushy yate)
• Eucalyptus leucoxylon Rosea
• Hymenosporum flavum (native frangipani)
• Stenocarpus sinuatus (firewheel tree)

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