The New Australian Garden
The New Australian GardenAfter the massed planting of large native species in the 70’s and early 80’s, the resulting gardens were overgrown and unappealing to all but the bush garden enthusiast. When considering design options many gardeners have rejected Australian plants as “too big, too woody and unmanageable”. Despite the occasional bad press, Australian plants […]
The Aussie Cottage Garden
The Australian Cottage GardenThe charm of the cottage garden has an appeal which defies fashion trends. What is it we love about the cottage garden? Is it the soft pastels and white shades, the foliage textures and changing seasonal interest. Perhaps this lush chaotic garden provides a welcome haven from our busy lives.Alas, this style […]
The Art Of Pruning
The art of pruning in the Australian gardenWho feels confused about pruning? Who neglects pruning? Then please read on because it reallyisn’t hard at all. I hope to demystify pruning and give you the confidence to really take control ofyour garden. Most plants look better with a little pruning and it can make a huge […]
Sustainable Vege Gardening
Today we are going to talk about the soil and composting, straw and no-dig gardens, gardeningin containers and raised bins. We’ll look at winter herbs and vege for planting now, and how togrow them with ease from seeds or seedling. After the talk, we will share morning tea, followed byplanting up your own mini vege […]
Australian Native Small Trees – Suggestions
Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosea Bird attracting flowers, from dark pink to white, adorn this 4 to 6 metres tree, during autumn to late winter. A pale, smooth barked trunk supports a canopy of narrow leaves. It grows in all soils, has low water requirements and is often used by shires for street planting. Highly recommended. Eucalyptus […]
Australian Native Small Trees
PLANTING TREES FOR THE FUTURE It is generally agreed that planting trees is an important way we can care for the environment.• Trees provide welcome shade, modifying our harsh climate.• They maintain clean, oxygen rich air, counteracting the polluting effect of cars, fires and industry.• Birds and animals visit our gardens for the food and […]
Small Plants For Small Spaces
Many gardeners have limited space but would like a garden that mimics a natural landscape or perhaps that looks like cottage gardens of old. There are a few tricks that can help create a garden in a limited space:•Select small plants or dwarf varieties of favourite species•Repeat plants in odd numbers of 3, 5 or […]
Shady Gardens
Small Plants (to 1m) •Acacia drummondii• Adenanthos cunninghamii•Baeckea virgata ‘Miniature’•Brachysema celsianum (swan river pea)•Boronia megastigma (brown boronia)•Chorizema cordatum (flame pea)•Correa spp. (native fuchsia)•Crowea exalata•Darwinia citriodora (lemon scented darwinia)•Philotheca myoporoides (native daphne)•Grevillea thelemanniana (spider net grevillea)•Hypocalymma angustifolium•Melaleuca thymifolia (cotton candy)•Thomasia purpurea Medium Plants (1 to 3m) •Baeckea virgata (heath myrtle)•Calothamnus quadrifidus•Grevillea ‘Boongala Spinebill’•Grevillea ‘Ellendale’•Adenanthos cunninghamii•Prostanthera ovalifolia […]
Screens and Windbreaks
TIP: In strong wind areas, prune your screen as it grows to reduce the size of foliage until itcan grow a stronger trunk. This will prevent your new shrubs from being blown over! Small Plants (to 1m) • Agonis flexuosa nana (dwarf willow myrtle)• Baeckea virgata ‘Miniature’• Brachysema celsianum (Swan River pea)• Callistemon ‘Captain Cook’• […]
Keep Your Australian Native Garden Looking Great!
Selecting Your Plants Australian plants are diverse – each has a different set of requirements for successful cultivation.• There are Australian plants that tolerate extreme drought, others can grow in wet, boggy situations.• There are some which require full sun, others which prefer or tolerate shade.• There are plants which do well in heavy clay, […]